TypeMedia: MA Type Design at the Royal Academy of Arts

Book: Lettercarving for type designers

The assignments and instructions of the letter carving classes by Françoise Berserik, in her own words. Richly illustrated, with focus on tools and materials and lots of amazing work by alumni and colleagues.

Buy: online at the Beeldhouw Winkel or in person at the TypeMedia office in the KABK.

The book, on location in the library of the ANRT in Nancy.


TypeMedia was on the road for a week February to attend the Automatic Type Design 3 conference organised by the ANRT in Nancy. Previous editions of this rare and highly focussed conference were so good that we knew we wanted to attend this one. Students from around Europe: MATD Reading, ECAL Lausanne, ESAD Amiens attended, as well as colleagues from around the world. And. so. many. TypeMedia alumni! Marte Verhagen showed her new extensions for RoboFont. Lena Le Pommelet and her colleague My-Lan Thuong introduced the research behind the Omni-Latin tool. Exhibition “Univers. From Light to Matter” curated by Tânia Raposo and Varya Goncharova.

Conference program and recorded streams here

Marte Verhagen presenting at the ANRT in Nancy.

Annual Report: 2023-2024

A summary of the things we did in the last academic year.

Set in IBM Plex (Fín lettertje). Generated with Jekyll